
Selasa, 29 Januari 2008

Modem ZTE MF320 is modem using slot PC Card Type 2

Modem ZTE MF320 is modem using slot PC Card Type 2. PC CARD TYPE II is rather thicker than Type I, thus you must take a care if intending apply it at old fashion laptop. Figured in with the modem card for example headset ( arphone + mike) to speak. So we do not can only apply just data service with this seluler modem.

But before sticking ZTE MF320 to slot PC Card, we should have attached its(the supporter slack device is formerly: the application of telephone and driver. This supporter slack device provided in optic disc which di-bundling in ZTE MF320. Following its(the stages;steps at operating system Windows XP:

1. When entering CD in drive, and computer is set [by] autorun installer will be implemented. If(when we do not must click bundle Setupexe to start installation.

2. First time asked by installer is medium of instruction. Forgiveness, there is no Indonesian, thus we will choose English only. Other choice is Mandarin language.

3Setelah clicks OK, we will be informed installation will be implemented. Of course we must click Next for continuing.

4. We must receive just of agreement of license from ZTE to can apply its the modem. Click Next.

5. Hereinafter ZTE asks name of consumer and company place of s(he works. If for example you do not work also this company stuffing must be enterred. If not installer will refuse continuing.

6. The next of installer asks folder place of the application of this will be kept. We can let just of wafting choice.

7. Click install for that installer pairs soft device in computer.

8. Bes awaiting some strippers. Then installer will ask that modem is stuck. But didn't be stuck formerly. Click OK.

9. Click Finish at the next window. After completed sticks modem card to slot PC Card.

10. Windows will start New Hardware Wizard, manual installs new firm device. At Windows XP Anda will be requested permit to contact Windows Update. Reject only, then clicked Next.

11. At the next window selected Install the software automatically.

12. At Windows XP Anda will be informed that driver which will be attached has not passed examination process of conformity with Windows XP. Select;chooses is just at Continue Anyway. Message of like this can emerge to three kaliWindows 2000 also will release commemoration of similar. Disregards is just for continuing installation process.

13. After completed we can open the application of XL-MF320 Mobile Data Connect to start incircuit to Internet.


Doesn't forget inserts SIM into modem card ZTE-MF320 before doing koneksi. Then open the application of Mobile Connect. If(When You number doormat PIN has ( peacemaker number) before all at card SIM, this PIN number will be asked. Enters number PIN that application can be opened.

The Application Of Mobile Data Connect is the application of organizer function of telephone and data which have been accomodated is special for network XL. In consequence unnecessary consumer again busy did setting telephone number, username, password and other setting. Altogether have been prepared.

We ready to click globe ikon, second from left at ikon line in application window. Then click Connect. Bes awaiting a few moments and we also is terkoneksi.

What with its(the speed? Network UMTS of course far quicker than GPRS. But how fast? The answer is having immeasurable. Speed number gotten by Digit@l x'self at some opportunities shifts starts from only 180 kilobit per second ( kbps) until closing 400 kbps.

What if not there are UMTS in your location? This modem admits of applied, but its(the speed fall because which then is applied then is network GPRS.

Way Of Alarm Tide

Mode Of Action of Anti Maling:Cara Alarm of this anti thief alarm job(activity hardly simpel, that is if door or window is opened, hence alarm will say. Because censor attached in framing door / window will be separate with alarm attached in leaf door / window. Alarm can also is attached in door of shift like door of house in Japan.

1..Tempelkan anti thief alarm in leaf door / window by using super of double tape which there [are].

2..Tempelkan alarm censor in framing door / window by using super of double tape that there [are], with position of parallel to alarm.

3..Lakukan attempt function of alarm by the way of animating switch alarm to position " ON", then door / window is opened. If alarm sound meaning have been its(the installation correctness.

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